Uruguayan Aluminum Beer Bottle

Pilsen Alumino Bottle

Pilsen Alumino Bottle

Following on the heels of the launch of Argentina’s Quilmes aluminum beer bottle, Uruguayans have launched their own aluminum bottled beer – Pilsen Alumino.

Finally, an aluminum beer bottle with a beer bottle color!

One of my pet peeves has been the rather un-beer like colors of many of the aluminum beer bottles that have been launched in the recent past.

The Pilsen Aluminum bottle instantly tells you it’s a beer.  In the photo, you’ll see drops of condensate along the sides of the bottle.

I’m assuming those are real drops of water (you can double-click on the picture to see a larger version).  But it would be really neat if they were actually printed photos of drops.  That would be yet another demonstration of the superior decorating possibilities of aluminum bottles.

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